1、你输的唯一原因就是与我为敌。 The only reason you lose is against me. 2、放弃你,下辈子吧! To give up you, the next life! 3、上帝也是单亲家长。 God is a single parent. 4、顺我者昌,逆我者亡。 I am the one who is prosperous, the one who is against me is dead. 5、爱或被爱,不如相爱。 To love or to be loved is better than to fall in love. 6、苦难是化了装的幸福。 Suffering is the embodiment of happiness. 7、有种脾气叫,不放弃。 A kind of temper, don’t give up. 8、路见不平,拔刀相助。 At the sight of injustice, draw a sword and render help. 9、天上地下,唯我独尊。 Heaven and earth, overweening. 10、你给我听着,我爱你! You listen to me, I love you! 11、我命由我,苍天若何。 I decide my fate to heaven. 12、缺点也是点,点到为止。 The shortcoming is also the point point. 13、脚是大地上飞翔的翅膀。 Feet are the wings of the earth. 14、祝你百年孤独死而无墓。 Wishing you a hundred years of solitude and death. 15、供不起祖宗也养不起狗。 Can not afford to ancestors can not afford to raise dogs. 16、你是我的,谁也不许碰! You are mine, no one can touch! 17、真-相本身就长着一张嘴。 The truth itself has a mouth. 18、疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。 Wind Supergrass, is general Cheng chen. 19、十步杀一人,千里不留行。 The ten step to kill a person, thousands of miles do not stay. 20、万里江海通,九州天地宽。 Wanli jianghaitong, Kyushu world wide. 21、为别人着想,为自己而活。 Think for others, live for yourself. 22、火把倒下,火焰依然向上。 The torch is down, the flame is still up. 23、世界那么乱,装纯给谁看。 The world is so chaotic, pretend to see who. 24、先说喜欢我会死啊!快说! Say like I will die! Tell me! 25、寡人不死,尔等终究是臣! I die, you will be his! 26、每个人最终和自己越长越像。 Each person eventually and their longer and more like. 27、世界终会为你的勇敢而让步。 The world will give in to your courage. 28、自己选的路,跪着也要走完。 The way you choose, you have to go on your knees.
29、也许你很牛逼但我未必屌你。 Maybe you are very cow force but I may not be your cock. 30、我们都是虫,可我是萤火虫。 We’re all worms, but I’m a firefly. 31、低头哭过别忘了抬头继续走。 Don’t forget to look up and go on. 32、雨是云的梦,云是雨的前世。 Rain is a cloud of dreams, clouds are the past lives of rain. 33、佛渡不了的天下,由我来渡。 I can’t cross the world. 34、过去的就把它忘了重新开始。 The past has forgotten it. 35、一个人也要活的像一支军队。 A man must live like an army. 36、新的开始,踏上未知的旅程。 A new start, an unknown journey. 37、抽过烟喝过酒爱过人渣信过狗。 Smoked drunk love letter scumbag dog. 38、思想有多远,你就给我滚多远。 How far is your thought, how far you roll me. 39、问天下谁与争锋唯我傲视苍穹。 Ask the world who I disdain for the sky. 40、眼没瞎就别从别人嘴里打听我。 Don’t ask me if I’m blind. 41、朕的江山养你一个祸水够不够。 I keep you a Jiangshan as enough. 42、顺我者未必生,逆我者一定亡。 I may not be born, I have to reverse the death. 43、我可以道歉,但你必须跪着听。 I can apologize, but you must kneel. 44、不许别人欺负你,只有我可以! Don’t let others bully you, only I can! 45、你是我的,谁也别想把你抢走! You are mine, and no one wants to take you away! 46、狼若回头,不是报恩就是报仇。 If the wolf looked back, not a vengeance. 47、你说的话我连标点符号都不信。 I don’t believe in punctuation. 48、怪我太年轻,是人是狗没看清。 I’m too young to be a dog. 49、天若赐我辉煌,我定比天张狂。 If you give me glory days, I set the day than it. 50、长期的奔放找不到矜持的方向。 Long and can not find the direction of modesty.